Post by Lucas on Dec 6, 2011 19:01:27 GMT -5
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Lazy Adviser[/center]
Main:Melee DPS/Secondary:Magic DPS[/color]
ALLIANCE,The Twilight Princess, and the Twilight Realm's people
- Cheerful
- Protective(towards the twilight princess)
- Easygoing
- Relaxed
- Friendly
- Rebellious
- Lazy
- Clumsy
- Easily caught off guard
- Slightly Perverted
APPEARANCE,Crow's attire lives up to his name. He wears a dull black cloak thats almost seethrough and consists of very soft fabric and the sleeves droop down to a point that it looks like wings.He also wears pants of the same fabric which lead down to brown armored boots that look amazingly simalar to link's. The outfit is kept together by long red straps crisscrossing in different patterns. The most special thing about Crow's appearance is his easyness of the eyes. His eyes are so calm that almost nobody can predict what he's thinking. The only think about his eyes that changes is that it flickers between light brown or dark brown depending on his mood. His hair seems to add to his calm eyes. The light brown spiky hair looks as if somebody hotglued it to stay down, and ends at his eyes.(Basically a slightly spiky version of a bowl cut)
Lastly, he stands at 5'9 and has a skinny figure.
WEAPONS,Twilight Cutlass: A pure black cutlass designed by one of the best blacksmiths in the twilight realm. It can channel magic as well as store it. Its also a pure black cutlass with various red lines marking it in an interesting design.
Shadow Dagger: This dagger is basically a backup/secondary weapon for the cutlass. It has the same capabilities and same interior design, but at a much weaker scale.
ITEMS,Violin:An average violin that Crow plays folk music on
Ocarina:An average ocarina that Crow plays relaxing music on.
Pocket book: A book where Crow keeps necessary notes for an adviser.
ABILITIES,(lieutenant)Shadow Slash: A black shadow channels through Crow's sword and is launched in a crescent shape.(If you watch bleach, its basically like getsuga tenshou) Can be used once a post.;
Crows Nest:This ability allows Crow to make one shadowed copy of himself with equal attack power.However, if its hit it will literally explode into black feathers. The clone is out for 2 posts and have a 7 post cooldown. This clone also possesses all of his abilities, it can develop plans and strategies of its own. It also automatically change into beast form upon Crow changing into it, this is an excellent strategy to confuse the enemy which one of the crows, is the 'real' one.
Shadow burn:A black flame launches from Crow's hand moving at very fast speed.This ability not only hurts the opponent but burns them for one post. Six post cooldown. The flame may not look like much but it packs a huge punch! Its an extremely powerful move due to its deadly speed and accuracy!
Transformation - A Twili in fact, has a monstrous form. This is more often than not what most Twili resort to when they feel threatened. These monstrous forms have no extra abilities, aside from their size and their raw power. A Twili can freely toggle between their forms. In battle, this has a cooldown of 4 turns. The levels determine the size of their beast form.
Level 2 - Its pretty obvious what Crow turns into, he turns into a pure black crow the size of a small vehicle. He can fly as well as attack swiftly.
Sunlight Resistance - There are some Twili who can resist things like the sunlight, allowing them to live within light without fear of death. However, they are few and far inbetween.
Level 3 - Crow can resist the harsh rays of the sun, as well as use his abilitys.
Crow's life has always been pretty average, he was born and raised as a noble and taught to act 'Polite'. He always despised the stuck-up attitude of being a noble and always snuck out and pretended he was homeless. He would get into much mayhem and always manage to get hordes of guards to chase after him. Of course, they would never manage to catch him. It became a huge pattern. His parents left on buisness, he would sneak out, and then come home while managing to ditch the guards.
Eventually, the guards caught him and found out who he was. His parents were notified and became furious. After they were notified they made sure to always keep an eye on him. If they were going on a buisness trip they would get the high ranking official to 'babysit' him. Of course, Crows attitude never changed, he was still the same rebellious little crow he always was.
After he came of age he decided to enlist in becoming a guard for the royal family, of course this was mostly because he wanted to escape the life of a noble and eventually worked his way up to becoming an adviser.
He prefers to lie down and relax.
Ayume Aikawa, [i]Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka[/i]
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